Cours 2022-2023

Méthodes quantitatives avancées [EINGM105]

  • 3 crédits
  • 20h
  • 2e quadrimestre
Langue d'enseignement: Anglais / English
Enseignant: Kiriliouk Anna


This cours gives an introduction to non-parametric statistics. Specifically, after a reminder on parametric estimation and hypothesis testing, we will study Wilcoxon's signed rank test, the empirical cumulative distribution function, the Mann-Whitney U test, QQ-plots and goodness-of-fit testing, robust correlation measures, non-parametric density estimation and regression. All methods will be illustrated with practical examples. 

Description des exercices

Exercices and their corrections are available on webcampus. 

Mode d'évaluation

Two-part evaluation

  • A written exam (3 hours), which counts for 65% of the grade.
  • An (individual) project in which students choose a dataset and apply the methods from the course, which counts for 35% of the grade.

Langue d'enseignement

Anglais / English

Lieu de l'activité


Faculté organisatrice

Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales et de gestion
Rue de Bruxelles, 61
5000 NAMUR


Etudes de 2ème cycle