Membre du personnel

Virginie BRUNEAU

Département des sciences du management


Virginie Bruneau is a doctoral student at the Business Administration Department of the University of Namur and a teaching assistant at the Louvain School of Management (UCL). She studied at the University of Namur and at the Louvain School of management (UCL) where she obtained a Master in Business Engineering in 2006.
From 2006 to 2009, she worked as a product manager at the marketing department of L’Oréal Belgilux. She was in charge of piloting the 4P's, market analysis and establishing the annual strategic plan for a specific product category. From 2009 to 2010, she travelled to South Africa where she was as a project manager for a local leading NGO taking action against aids.
At the end of 2010, she became a teaching assistant and started her doctoral research. Her research aims at better understanding the activity with loyalty programs. She seeks to define what active participation with loyalty programs is, develop a measure of activity and further test the antecedents and consequences in order to help managers to build more effective loyalty programs. Her thesis advisor is Pietro Zidda (Université de Namur).