Membre du personnel


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Téléphone(s) : +32 (0)81 72 43 92


At first passionated about insects since early childhood, I started a graduate in Biology at Mons University. I continued with a Master on Organism Biology and Ecology. I made my Master Thesis on bee nutrition with a focus on conservation biology (Zoology Lab), as well as an internship in Gent University, on bumblebee tolerance to multiple stressors, still with a conservation purpose. This five-year period not only confirmed my passion for entomoly, but mainly developped my interest for many fields of biology. I currently work at the Research Unit in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology (URBE), University of Namur, as teaching assistant and PhD candidate. I started my thesis in the Laboratory of Evolutionary Genomics and Ecology (LEGE), studying androgenesis within Corbicula clams.


2012-2017 : Master en Biologie des Organismes et Écologie (UMons)