Course 2022-2023

Introduction to philosophy [IHDCB111]

  • 5 credits
  • 30h
  • 2nd quarter
Language of instruction: French / Français

Learning outcomes

- To introduce students to philosophical reflection and methodology - to contribute to the development of a critical attitude with regard to rationality and modernity - To understand how the western rationality and sciences appeared in our history and the consequences of the impact of sciences on our culture -


a)The course will begin with an introduction to methodology for philosophical analysis and will tackle the problem of the definition of philosophy. b) By briefly presenting the history of modernity, it will try to give an understanding of what modernity is and the question of the relationship between the subject, reason, science and policy. This course will allow students to better understand the cultural conditions of the emergence of the modern sciences

Teaching methods

magistral courses


oral exam (oral presentation of personal work and questions concerning the course) These criteria of assessment are for both the written work and the oral examination: Comprehension of the subject, coherence of the reflection, outline of the problem and plan in the introduction and respect of this plan in the drafting and development of written work, references to the courses and the syllabus, quality of the drafting, development of the subject, depth of the analysis, treatment of the subject.

Recommended readings

Arendt A., La crise de la culture, recueil d'essais, 1954, trad. française, ed. Gallimard, 1972. Bouveresse J., La demande philosophique (1996, L'éclat) Bréhier, E : Histoire de la philosophie (PUF) Châtelet, F : La philosophie (1972-3, 4 vol., Marabout) Châtelet, F : Une histoire de la raison, Points-Sciences/Seuil. Cuvillier : Cours de philosophie (Livre de poche) Domenach J.-M., Approches de la modernité, (I, II , III) Gaarder J. , Le monde de Sophie, Seuil. Gourinat : De la philosophie (Hachette) Grenier, H : La connaissance philosophique (1973, Masson) Hersch J., L'étonnement philosophique, Folio-Essais. Koyré, A., 1973, Etudes d'Histoire de la pensée scientifique, Gallimard. -L¿étonnement philosophique, une histoire de la philosophie, ed. Gallimard, 1993. Lipovetsky G., L'ère du vide, (Essai sur l'individualisme contemporain), ed. Gallimard, 1983. Touraine A., Critique de la modernité, Fayard.

Language of instruction

French / Français

Location for course



Faculté d'informatique
rue Grandgagnage 21
5000 NAMUR
P. 081725252
F. 081724967

Degree of Reference

Undergraduate Degree