Course 2024-2025

Guidance and support: theory and practice in the field [FACCM316]

  • 3 credits
  • 18h
  • 2nd quarter
Language of instruction: French / Français


Target skills

    Conceptualise the support approach at the interface of different fields so as to be able to adapt its action to the environment.
    Analysing different situations at micro, meso and macro levels of personal or professional development and drawing out the implications in terms of support.
    Designing and regulating innovative coaching approaches in line with the situations encountered, relevant to the organisational contexts and the issues identified.
    Use coaching to transform complex, unpredictable professional contexts that require new strategic approaches.
    Contribute to the development of new knowledge and new professional practices in the field of coaching.
    To place the ethical and deontological dimensions of coaching within the context of individual, relational and organisational issues.
    Question the nature of our knowledge.
    Develop intelligible models of support practice.


 At the end of the course, students will be able to:

    Identify the main current concepts and models relating to guidance.
    Identify the main issues in guidance in the 21st century.
    Define a support model for teams aiming to implement a guidance project (based on a school case, transposed to other professional environments).
    Determine how to evaluate the actions defined in the support model.
    Implement a reflective approach, centred on guidance issues, within one's own professional practices.


Support professionals in setting up projects related to the concept of lifelong guidance: when, how, why?
    Supporting collaboration between a variety of professionals (educational, non-educational, beneficiaries, etc.).
    Developing collaborative working between beneficiaries and other guidance stakeholders.
    Supporting teams: defining roles and objectives.
    Specific features of support in institutions setting up guidance projects.
    Relationships between the various players involved in support.
    Setting up multi-disciplinary projects.

Key concepts

    Academic guidance.
    Vocational guidance.
    Educational approach to guidance.

Innovation; project; collaboration.

Main theoretical models

Lifelong guidance

Guidance approach

Life Design

Recommended readings

Bauman, Z. (2000). Liquid modernity. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.

Bauman, Z. (2007). Liquid Times: Living in an Age of Uncertainty. Cambridge, U.K.: Polity Press.

Brown, D. (2016). Career information, career counseling, and career development (11th ed.). New York, N.Y.: Pearson.

Canzittu, D. (2019). Penser et agir l'orientation au 21e siècle. De l'élève au citoyen engagé. Paris: Qui plus Est.

Canzittu, D., & Carosin, É. (2019). How to think about school and career guidance in 21st century schools? Towards an Orienting Approach to school. In D. Canzittu (Ed.), Penser et agir

l'orientation au 21e siècle. De l'élève au citoyen engagé (pp. 103-114). Paris: Editions Qui Plus Est.

Canzittu, D., & Demeuse, M. (2017). How to make a school truly orienting? Louvain-la-Neuve: De Boeck supérieur.

Canzittu, D., & Demeuse, M. (2019). The orienting school: an ustopia? In D. Canzittu (Ed.), Penser et agir l'orientation au 21e siècle. De l'élève au citoyen engagé (pp. 161-172). Paris: Editions Qui Plus Est.

Carosin, É., Canzittu, D., & Loisy, C. (2019). Accompanying adolescents to face 21st century guidance challenges: a conceptual framework for the development of guidance tools. In D. Canzittu (Ed.), Penser et agir l'orientation au 21e siècle. De l'élève au citoyen engagé (pp. 115-122). Paris: Editions Qui Plus Est.

Dawis, R. V., & Lofquist, L. H. (1984). A psychological theory of work adjustment. MN: University of Minesora Press.

Demeuse, M., & Lafontaine, D. (2005). L'orientation scolaire en Communauté française de Belgique. Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres, (38), 35-52.

Duarte, M. E. (2009). The psychology of life construction. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 75(3), 259-266.

Duarte, M. E., & Cardoso, P. M. S. (2015). The Life Design Paradigm: From Practice to Theory. In L. Nota & J. Rossier (Eds.), Handbook of the Life Design (pp. 41-57). Boston, MA: Hogrefe.

Ferré, D. (2005). Pour une approche orientante de l'école française. Paris: Qui plus Est.

Franquet, A., Friant, N., & Demeuse, M. (2010). (S') orienter dans l'enseignement secondaire technique et professionnel en Communauté française de Belgique : la part du choix. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 39(4).

Gingras, M. (2005). L'orientation tout au long de la vie : une réalité incontournable du développement de carrière des adultes. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 11(2), 115-128.

Ginzberg, E. (1984). Career development. In D. Brown & L. Brooks (Eds.), Career choice and development (pp. 169-191). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Gottfredson, L. S. (2005). Applying Gottfredson's theory of circumscription and compromise in career guidance and counseling. In D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work (pp. 71-100) Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Guichard, J. (2004). Se faire soi. L'orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 33, 499-534.

Guichard, J. (2016a). Career Guidance, Education and Dialogues for a Fair and Sustainable Human Development. In J. Guichard, V. Drabik-Podgorna, & M. Podgórny (Eds.), Counselling and dialogue for sustainable

human development (pp. 17-43). Torùn, PL: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszalek.

Guichard, J. (2016b). Reflexivity in life design interventions: Comments on life and career design dialogues. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 97, 78-83.

Guichard, J. (2019). Employability guidance & Life Design counselling: aims, purposes and foundations of guidance interventions. In D. Canzittu (Ed.), Penser et agir l'orientation au 21e siècle. De l'élève au citoyen engagé (pp. 19-37). Paris: Qui plus Est.

Guichard, J. (2019). Le dialogue de conseil en Life Design: une forme renouvelée d'accompagnement à l'orientation. In D. Canzittu (Ed.), Penser et agir l'orientation au 21e siècle. De l'élève au citoyen engagé (pp. 67-85). Paris: Qui plus Est.

Guichard, J. (2019). Quelles interventions d'accompagnement à l'orientation pour contribuer à un développement mondial, humain, équitable et durable? In D. Canzittu (Ed.), Penser et agir l'orientation au 21e siècle. De l'élève au citoyen engagé (pp. 147-160). Paris: Qui plus Est.

Guichard, J., & Huteau, M. (2006a). Psychologie de l'orientation. Paris: Dunod.

Holland, J. L. (1997). Making vocational choices: A theory of vocational personalities and work environments (3rd ed). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.

Kargulowa, A. (2018). Homo consultans amidst pop-culture: Towards sustainable development. In V. Cohen-Scali, J. Pouyaud, M. Podgórny, V. Drabik-Podgórna, G. Aisenson, J.-L. Bernaud, ... J. Guichard (Eds.), Interventions in Career Design and Education Transformation for Sustainable Development and Decent Work. New York: Springer.

Krumboltz, J. D. (1975). A social learning theory of career decision making. In J. D. Krumboltz, A. M. Mitchell, & G. B. Jones (Eds.), A social learning theory of career decision making (pp. 13-39). Palo Alto, CA: American Institutes for Research.

Lent, R. W. (2008). A social cognitive conception of educational and vocational guidance: Theoretical and practical considerations. L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 37(1), 57-90.

Lent, R. W. (2017). Integration of Theory, Research, and Practice: A Social Cognitive Perspective. In J. P. J. Sampson, E. Bullock-Yowell, V. C. Dozier, D. S. Osborn, & J. G. Lenz (Eds.), Integrating Theory, Research, and Practice in Vocational Psychology: Current Status and Future Directions (pp. 20-27). Tallahassee, FL.: Florida State University Libraries.

Maree, J. G. (2016). How career construction counseling promotes reflection and reflexivity: Two case studies. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 97, 22-30.

Patton, W., & McMahon, M. (2014). Career development and systems theory: Connecting theory and practice. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Pelletier, D. (2001). Pour une approche orientante de l'école Québécoise. Concepts et pratiques à l'usage des intervenants. Sainte-Foy: Septembre éditeur.

Pelletier, D. (2004). L'approche orientante: la clé de la réussite scolaire et professionnelle. Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Septembre éditeur.

Pryor, R. G. L., & Bright, J. E. H. (2014). The Chaos Theory of Careers (CTC): Ten years on and only just begun. Australian Journal of Career Development, 23(1), 4-12.

Savickas, M. L. (2011a). Career counseling. Washington, DC: APA.

Savickas, M. L. (2011b). Constructing careers: Actor, agent, and author. Journal of Employment Counselling, 48, 179-181.

Savickas, M. L. (2012). Life Design: A Paradigm for Career Intervention in the 21st Century. Journal of Counseling & Development, 90(1), 13-19.

Savickas, M. L. (2019). Composing life portraits for career construction: from theory to practice. In D. Canzittu (Ed.), Penser et agir l'orientation au 21e siècle. De l'élève au citoyen engagé (pp. 87-100). Paris: Qui plus Est.

Savickas, M. L. (2019). A general model for career guidance. In D. Canzittu (Ed.), Penser et agir l'orientation au 21e siècle. De l'élève au citoyen engagé (pp. 61-66). Paris: Qui plus Est.

Savickas, M. L., Nota, L., Rossier, J., Dauwalder, J.-P., Duarte, M. E., Guichard, J., ... Bigeon, C. (2010). Life designing: a paradigm for guidance in the 21st century1. L'Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 39(1), 5-39.

Sultana, R. G. (2019). Precariousness, austerity and the social contract in a liquid world: vocational guidance mediating between citizen and state. In D. Canzittu (Ed.), Penser et agir l'orientation au 21e siècle. De l'élève au citoyen engagé (pp. 39-45). Paris: Qui plus Est.

Super, D. E. (1994). A life span, life space perspective onconvergence. In M. L. Savickas & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Convergence in career development theories: Implications for science and practice (pp. 63-74). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.

Young, R. A., & Valach, L. (2004). The construction of career through goal-directed action. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 64(3), 499-514.

Language of instruction

French / Français

Location for course



Faculté des sciences de l'éducation et de la formation

Degree of Reference

Master's Degree