Staff member

Modeste DAYE



I have completed a Ph.D in economics at the Centre of Research in the Economics of Development (CRED) and the Development Finance and Public Policies institute (DeFiPP) at the university of Namur, Belgium. My  primary research field is development economics.   

I am currently working on three research projects: (i) an impact evaluation of nudging access to formal deposit and mobile money accounts, (ii) the dissagregate effects of cash transfers on men and women, and (iii) Credit constraints, agricultural productivity and household welfare.

Prior to my Ph.D, I got an advanced master in international and development economics from the university of Namur and a master of research (MRes) in economics from the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE), France.


Areas of expertise

Development Economics, Microeconometrics
Behavioral Economics, Microfinance.